But at one time or another they have either admitted to being gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and all have either outed themselves or have already been outed. Some of the people on this list may have lived or are living a heterosexual lifestyle. While gay, lesbian, and bi, 'gender impersonators' are on here, transsexuals are not. Some are people I personally know and allowed me to put their name on this list, or have been publicly outed (with proof) by other sources, or have personally come out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual themselves. only those where confirmation by either personal accounts, or public records prove the source of information on their sexuality. I have purposely NOT listed anyone of 'speculation' like other sites may have. In no way is this list meant to 'OUT' anyone.
If you are looking for a particular person then you need to search for the page that has the correct last name. Marlon Brando is first then all names after are in alphabetical order by last name.